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BS Eco-Clover Grass Seed

BS Eco-Clover combines high-quality lawn seed cultivars with specialist microclover to create an attractive and hard-wearing lawn or landscape. The addition of microclover reduces the requirement for fertiliser applications and provides additional interest for bees and pollinators if left to grow a little longer. Clover is also very drought-tolerant, maintaining a green colour even in the driest summers.

  • Microclover naturally provides nitrogen for the grasses 
  • Produces an attractive and hard-wearing, dark green turf
  • Drought-tolerant and strong disease resistance
  • Attractive to pollinators if left to grow longer
  • Contains: 50% amenity perennial ryegrass, 35% strong creeping red fescue, 12.5% chewings fescue and 2.5% microclover
  • Sow at 25-35grams per sq/m - 20kg covers 575-800sq/m
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