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CSAM3 | SAM3 | GS4 - Premium Overseeding Herbal Ley (CSS2/PO)

Use this premium overseeding mixture for CSAM3 (2024) and SAM3 (2023) Sustainable Farming Incentive, and Countryside Stewardship GS4 (Herbal Leys), to establish diverse sward of legumes and herbs into an existing grass ley.

  • Suitable for sheep grazing due to the absence of red clover 
  • Mixed blend of legumes and herbs to provide diversity and improve palatability 
  • Using our Premium Overseeding Herbal Ley mix to comply with SAM3 and GS4, the existing grass swards must have 5 grass species in
  • If you have a sward with less than 5 grass species in, we recommend sowing our CSS2 Herbal Ley or CSS2/P Premium Herbal Ley
  • Use for static implementation of CSAM3 and SAM3 Herbal Ley schemes
  • Sow in spring or autumn for optimum establishment
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): CSAM3 SAM3 
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): GS1 GS4 GS8 GS14 SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW7 SW8 WT1 WT2
  • Contains: 17.5% Vetch, 17% Sainfoin, 10% White Clover, 10% Alsike Clover, 9% Lucerne, 8% Sheep's Parsley, 8% Birdsfoot Trefoil, 8% Sheep's Burnet, 7% Black Medick, 5% Ribwort Plantain, 0.5% Yarrow
  • Sowing rate: 10kg/ha. Pack size: 10kg

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Mixture Specification

17.5% Vetch
17% Sainfoin
10% White Clover
10% Alsike Clover
9% Lucerne
8% Sheep's Parsley
8% Birdsfoot Trefoil
8% Sheep's Burnet
7% Black Medick
5% Ribwort Plantain
0.5% Yarrow