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CAHL2 | AHL2 | AB9 - 1 Year Wild Bird Mix: Cereal Free (CSS10/CFX)

Use this mixture for CAHL2 (2024) and AHL2 (2023) Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) and AB9 Countryside Stewardship (Winter Bird Food), to provide important food resources for farmland birds, during autumn and winter.

  • Farmland birds eat the seeds from October and beneficial insects including bees and butterflies use the flowers during the summer
  • Sow in spring or early summer for optimum establishment - suitable for later sowings and re-sowing of failed crops, where permitted
  • Re-sow in each year of your agreement
  • Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): CAHL2 AHL2
  • Suitable for Countryside Stewardship (CSS): AB9
  • Contains: 35% Buckwheat, 30% Linseed, 15% White Mustard, 10% Oil Radish, 5% Brown Mustard, 5% Phacelia
  • Sowing rate: 8-10kg/ha (added to c.40kg cereals) or 15-20kg/ha (as a standalone mix). Pack size: 20kg
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Mixture Specification

35% Buckwheat
30% Linseed
15% White Mustard
10% Oil Radish
5% Brown Mustard
5% Phacelia