SFI CIGL2 / IGL2 - Winter Bird Food On Improved Grassland
Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI) CIGL2 (2024) and IGL2 (2023), Winter Bird Food On Improved Grassland, requires grassland to be maintained so it’s left to go to seed during the autumn and winter months to provide food for farmland birds from September to February. CIGL2 and IGL2 are static or rotational actions, and can therefore be carried out on the same area of land each year, or can be moved around the farm. Guidance for this incentive advises a high proportion (over 50% of the area) of perennial, Italian or hybrid ryegrass to allow for the mix to go to seed after cutting to provide food for farmland birds.
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35% Hybrid Ryegrass, 28% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass, 32% Late Perennial Ryegrass, 5% White Clover
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): CIGL2 IGL2
- Includes a blend of both diploid and tetraploid ryegrass varieties
- Delivers yield and quality for both cutting, grazing and use in anaerobic digestors
- Combines quality grass cutting and year round performance
- Will cut or graze equally well with high annual yields
- Excellent sward density so withstands heavy traffic
- No clover option includes additional 5% late PRG
- Sowing rate: 14kg per acre. Pack size: 14kg
Blend of three Italian Ryegrass varieties and two Hybrid Ryegrass varieties
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): CIGL2 IGL2
- Mixture of both diploid and tetraploid varieties
- Intensive cutting mixture for up to three years
- Responsive to high fertiliser input
- Excellent forage quality for ensiling and use in anaerobic digestors
- Good regrowth after cutting
- Sowing rate: 14kg per acre. Pack size: 14kg
Blend of three Hybrid Ryegrass varieties and 25% Red Clover
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): CIGL2 IGL2
- Produces high quality yields of grass and clover throughout the season
- 75% hybrids ryegrass for excellent yields
- Quality and yield enhanced with red clover
- Good disease resistance
- Red clover will enhance the protein in the crop
- Sowing rate: 14kg per acre. Pack size: 14kg
25% Early Perennial Ryegrass, 47% Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass, 14% Late Perennial Ryegrass, 14% Timothy
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): CIGL2 IGL2
- Longer term mixture of entirely diploid varieties for quality hay
- Inclusion of timothy makes the mixture more palatable
- Up to five year duration for hay and haylage
- Can be grazed out of season if required
- Sowing rate: 14kg per acre. Pack size: 14kg
20% Westerwolds, 25% Hybrid Ryegrass, 25% Italian Ryegrass, 30% Early Perennial Ryegrass
- Suitable for Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI): CIGL2 IGL2
- Suitable for intensive cutting regimes with high yields
- Can be used as an after maize mixture and for anaerobic digestion
- 67D approx. 6 weeks after cutting with high sugar content
- Rapid recovery after defoliation ensures reliable cuts later
- Suitable for high Nitrogen input systems
- Sowing rate: 14 kg per acre. Pack size: 14kg
50% Westerwolds, 50% Italian Ryegrass
- Short term ley and suitable for sowing after maize
- Very vigorous to establish even when late sown
- Will produce very large yields of high quality forage
- Exhibits excellent drought tolerance
- Responds well to high inputs
- Sowing rate: 15kg per acre. Pack size: 25kg
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